Promote inter-cultural, academic, socio-political and economic exchanges between the Netherlands and Romania as well as between other European countries;
Contribute to creating an active and involved attitude among the general public at large and among target groups - young people in particular, by providing training, independent expertise and advising, and by organising regular exchanges, seminars, debates, conferences, focus groups, workshops, media events, cultural activities etc
Contributing to a closer co-operation between various European societies and supporting the European integration process by facilitating intercultural youth exchanges, by disseminating proper information and by working together with other independent organisations in Europe;
Promoting the harmonisation of law and transparency at all levels and stimulating exchanges between the decision-making elite as well as advocacy, monitoring and research at international level.
The Foundation is registered with the Chamber of Commerce and legally founded since 1994, being managed by a board of five people. The work is done by the board members, volunteers and temporary-hired assistants when needed. The funds of the foundation are gathered by subsidising, sponsorship and donations.
Since 2001 FNR has been organising projects for young people on a regular basis. In 2003, the Foundation launched a structural youth exchange project, under the title: "YOUNGSTERS OF TODAY, EUROPEANS OF TOMORROW, LET'S TALK". Under this umbrella, various intercultural programmes took place, bringing together more than 500 young Europeans from the Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Germany and Spain.
Next to that, the Foundation has been organising different training programmes, seminars, workshops and focus groups for young Europeans, on themes such as European integration, discrimination or media and communications.
Another series of projects was the International School on European Integration,which reached 5 editions.