My name’s Anna Ćwiklińska-Rutka and I am a coordinator of legal and international projects in the Adam Mickiewicz High School in Gdynia, Poland. As a teacher very much focused on legal issues I am definitely interested in human rights related topics being both involved in active ways of supporting human rights, like organising collections for the underprivileged, refugees and disabled as well as educational actions. The participation in the Play for Human Rights programme gave me and my students more tools and experience in this field. Above all it was one of those projects that integrate youth from different places in Europe, help them get rid of stereotypes that often lead to violation of human rights. Furthermore, it built new platforms of communication between them and focused their attention to more issues. My students gained more confidence in organising actions and spreading knowledge on human rights.

I’m deeply grateful to the organizers for inviting my school to participate in the Human Rights Project. What a better reward for us teachers than seeing our students mixing together with peers from other countries, sharing ideas and confidently expressing opinions on important global issues!

I am Marian Covilcescu and I coordinated the Romanian team to the project. I was also involved in the organisation of previous moot court projects. All these were enriching experiences both for my personal and professional development. Working with young people, the Toolkit will help me and others in conducting new activities about human rights, immigration, refugees and international justice.

I’m Maria, the project coordinator from Iceland, Vopnafjarðarskóli.For us in small schools in Iceland, these projects are very important. I have participated in several projects and all of them are magnificent and leave good memories every time. We got to know people from other countries and learned so much – not only about human rights but also about their cultures and customs. Young students acted as lawyers and were gorgeous. Judges and all the others worked together to develop and empower youngsters. Helping students grow and develop is what these projects do. They prevent prejudices and strengthen ties between different countries.

Hello, I am Brindusa Popescu and I have taken part in the project ,,Play for human rights” . An interesting project in which the students had the ocassion of learning about human rights in a less formal way . The Students have been encouraged by a series of unique activities to ask themselves questions , to construct hypoteses and to find their own solutions to challenges that trouble the contemporary world . Even more , the participants had the ocassion to meet exceptional personalities of applied international law , from which they learnt the way the democratic menacisms work . An exciting project , that has certainly reached its’ objectives.

Hi, I’m Bianca Popescu and talking about passions, the biggest one for me includes all types of arts. Everything from video making and photography to music and dancing, even painting or reading a good poem. This project taught me not only about the basics of Human Rights, but it showed me how to actively participate in teaching others about the subject, demonstrating that these rights are not just for some of us, but for every human living on this planet, no matter religion, ethnicity, social status or other characteristics that would normally divide us. Communicating and finding out more about each other’s culture, we soon realized how different is adressed the subject of Human Rights in different regions or even countries.

I’m Andreea Preduț and my areas of interest include anything related to humans, cultures, customs and their rights. As you can image, the project Play For Human Rights is right up my alley, offering me a medium to learn about the mechanisms that let us have and mentain our rights, while also debating upon various subjects and creating bonds with other participants. I ended up with a great understanding of the subject, and I can say that, for me, human rights are the freedoms each individual has from their first breath to their last.

Hi, I’m Sânziana Șendroiu. I love all kinds of things, everything from smelling flowers to writing reviews for good movies to cool science fun facts. I like learning about the history of art and lately I’ve been listening to a lot of electronic music. During this project, I learned that Human Rights speak a lot about culture, as well. I think knowing about one’s own culture is very important, it defines you as part of a larger group, it gives you the opportunity to speak up for an entire community. On the other side, knowing about different cultures makes you more socially aware and offers different perspectives on how the world should work.

Hello! I am Anastasia Braga, I like making memories and capture them with the art of photography, spending time with friends, and the feeling of adrenaline. I am in love with the smell of winter, train journeys, museums, happy people, annotating books and many other small things. This project made me more curious about my rights. All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person.Our hopes for a more just, safe, and peaceful world can only be achieved when there is dignity and equal rights of all members of the human family!

My name is Dawid Boles. My areas of interest include sports, history as well as world issues. In the future I want to become a lawyer. With the combination of these things the Play for Human rights project was an amazing learning experience for me. It taught me a lot about how people from around the world fight for their rights and how I can do the same in my community. I also learned a lot about what Human rights are, their history and how they work. But beyond all of that it was an amazing experience with opportunities to meet and spend time with individuals from all over the world.

I am Zofia Kowalewska, a participant from Poland. I am interested in literature, art, music and languages. This project provided me with a great amount of opportunities- I learned a lot about human rights, I gained a lot of skills during the creative process of completing the toolkit and formed great friendships along the way. During the time of the conferences, I learned more about human rights law, and it inspired me to become even more active in taking actions connected to local activism.

I’m Angelo Mikołajczyk. I enjoy digital art as well as journalism. I’d like to become a journalist in the future. This project was an opportunity to learn a lot of things such as: how human rights work, what is the source of human rights, who and what organizations enforce human rights. All of this was amazing but the opportunities to meet new and amazing people as well as their world views. All of them being from other countries was something I don’t think many other projects are able to replicate.

My name is Juliusz Dmochowski. My most important interests are human rights and law. In this project I learned a lot of knowledge about how important Human Rights are. Without them we couldn’t live normally. The project Play For Human Rights was the best thing I could ever imagine. I love to take part in things that will help people gain more knowledge and be more educated about really important topics.

My name is Adrian Karpowicz, I am interested in human rights and everything related to it. I am also interested in the law which led me to the moot court 2022. I’m going to go into this further. Project Play for Human Rights makes it possible for me.

My name is Pavel. I am 17 years old. I am studying English at Second English Language school “Thomas Jefferson” and I wish to study law after I graduate high school. I enjoy playing chess and reading books. The most important thing I learned from the Human Rights project was to work in international groups and discuss different topics together. For me, human rights are fundamental for any social order to be functioning.

My name is Árni Friðrik Guðmundsson I’m a student of Reykjavík Junior College. My interests are mostly playing the saxophone and dinghy sailing. Though the play for human rights project isn’t really in my field of expertise I learned a lot and the and my interest in human rights has skyrocketed. Human rights marks everyone as equals, no matter your gender, sexuality, religion, or nationality and is something that everyone should be entitled to.

My name is Ólafur Áki Kjartansson and am a student at Reykjavík Junior College. My hobbies include dinghy sailing and playing the guitar. The project taught me a lot about human rights, which are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. Human rights are very important to me because they protect and preserve every individual’s humanity, to ensure that every individual can live a life of dignity and a life that is worthy of a human being.

Hi, my name is Haukur Oddur Jóhannesson and I am a student of Reykjavik Junior College. My hobbies include reading and being out in nature. The Play for Human Rights project taught me a lot about human rights and the international mechanisms that are in place to protect them. I also learned a lot about different countries and cultures. Human rights mean a lot to me because they are the fundamental rights of each and every person that should never be infringed upon. They ensure that I and the people around me are able to live a free and safe life.

My name is Vasil Karamanliev from Bulgaria and this is my final year at school. After I graduate 2 ELS “Thomas Jefferson”, I would like to go to Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. In my free time I really enjoy skiing, but, unfortunately, this is only possible in winter. So, during the other days of the year, I go to the mountains and have walks of varying difficulty. This makes me feel free and helps me break away from my hectic everyday life. My participation in “Play for Human Rights” was an unforgettable experience for me. But what I have learnt from the project is that all people around the world are unique in their own way and we should not judge at first glance. Human Rights are something that every single individual on Earth has from the moment of their birth. They help us survive in this hostile world. Moreover, I believe that through them we feel more secure and equal.

My name is Emil Kirov and I study at Second English Language School in Sofia, Bulgaria. This project has left me with many happy memories. I met new people, made new friends and learned a lot from all the group activities that we did connected with human rights. I had the opportunity to visit some beautiful and important places. Everybody was very friendly and I had a great time participating in this project.

My name is Konstantina Kostadinova and I study at Second English Language School in Sofia, Bulgaria. When I heard about the project, I thought it was thought-provoking and I decided to participate in it. It turned out to be a great decision because I learned a lot of new things connected with human rights. Also, all the different activities were very interesting. Last but not least I made friends with whom we took different discussions and expressed our opinions related to human rights. I really enjoyed the time that I spent there.

My name is Nikola. I’m a student at the Second English language school “Thomas Jefferson” in Sofia, Bulgaria. My hobbies are gaming and game design. Before the project I saw human rights as a set of rules and nothing more. However, the Play for human rights project really opened my eyes. I realised that human rights are something that connects all of us and shows our progress in the fields of ethics and such.

My name is Alexandre Boudier and some of my passions include debate, world issues and international relations. I am originally from France and now live in Amsterdam. I believe that this program has really helped me further my knowledge about human rights, and the importance it has in relation to some of our main world issues we are facing today. It also helped me gain more understanding of what the basic concept of Human Rights was, and how both the United Nations and Lawmakers defended this basic principle that has affected so many individuals around the world.

The short week that I got to spend in the Hague was transformative. The opportunity to meet with students from so many different nationalities, exposed me to a variety of new perspectives, and cultures that I previously not been exposed to. This fusion of diversity led to inspired and original ideas and solutions to the global issues that we face. Overall Play for Human Rights was a great opportunity that I will never forget, and I am deeply thankful to all organisers and teachers for their role in creating such an amazing conference.

Hi, my name is Elle Chassin and some of my passions include debate, foreign policy and relations. I go to the International School of Amsterdam, and am from the US and Italy. This experience was really inspiring for my future career, as I learned a lot about international relations, at the House of Europe, and at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. This program taught me so much about different aspects of human rights, from environmental human rights, to bodily human rights. I loved this experience because I got to be social, and learn about something I am passionate about at the same time.
My name is Nicola Mihaylov and I study at “Thomas Jefferson” Second English Language School, some of my hobbies include drawing and acting. To me Human Rights are something that connects people, that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from, we all have the same rights of freedom .This project really thought me about how the world’s governments protect our human rights and also about some of the flaws in that system.”