Judge at the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, presiding over many trials at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague (latest one over Mladić case, ended in 2021). Next to his work at the Tribunal, he is actively involved in the informal education of young people. Judge Alphons Orie has been acting as a presiding Judge during numerous Moot Courts in The Hague and abroad, as well as during our Moot Court Europe projects.

He is an emeritus professor of international criminal law at Utrecht University, international lawyer and amicus-curiae in the case of the Prosecutor/vs/Slobodan Milosevic at the ICTY in The Hague. He has been a prominent advocate for 43 years. He chaired and participated in various (inter)national professional and academic organisations and committees. As specialist in matters of corporate criminal law, he was involved in most high-profile fraud cases in the Netherlands of the past decades. Besides this expertise, he had an excellent reputation as lawyer in international humanitarian law cases. He is an experienced trainer of both members of the judiciary and counsel for the prosecution or the defence in the Netherlands and abroad. Mischa Wladimiroff has been constantly involved in educating young people about human rights, international justice and rule of law, through the non-formal learning approach offered by a simulated trial game. He advised on writing numerous simulated trial scenarios and participated to three Moot Court Europe editions organized by our Foundation and its partners.

Debra is the Executive Director of Justice Resource Center in New York, an organisation that has been described as the country's model urban initiative for civic and law related education. JRC is a public/private partnership established in 1991, whose mandate is to develop, implement, replicate and evaluate law-related education projects which positively impact the school age population in the United States. Programs are geared to a diverse school age population representing great disparate ethnic, racial, and socio-economic groups, enabling students to learn about the functions of government, their roles and responsibilities as citizens, and to develop a heightened respect for the law.'' Among numerous projects successfully run in the United States, Debra Lesser is the inspired initiator of the International Moot Court for high-school students - launched in The Hague in 2012 - sharing her expertise and the joys of simulated law with students in Europe. In 2017,Foundation Netherlands-Romania launched the first Moot Court Europe project, in co-operartion with Debra Lesser and the Center she runs in New York. Since then, Debra Lesser participated to all the simulated trial projects our Foundation implemented at the National Pedagogical College “Carol I” in Campulung-Muscel, Romania.

Barbara is attorney at the New York firm Schulte Roth & Zabel. She practices in the areas of complex commercial litigation, including securities, director and officer liability matters, trusts and estate litigation, partnership disputes and derivative actions. She also works regularly with the Justice Resource Center (our partner) - an organization that has been described as the country’s model urban initiative for civic and law related education. Barbara Gluck Reid is a New York Bar Attorney, graduate of Brooklyn Law School, J.D. magna cum laude, 1989, recipient of Donald W. Matheson Memorial Prize awarded to student who in character, scholarship and attainment evinces the highest degree of legal capacity). Being involved in law-related non-formal youth education with JRC, Barbara acted as a Judge and legal expert during our Foundations’ projects both in The Hague and in Campulung .

He is a doctoral candidate in Human Rights Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, where he teaches EU Law at a BA Level. A practicing lawyer in the Bucharest Bar Association, his areas of interest are Human Rights Law, EU Law and Intellectual Property Law. He is also the coach of the Faculty's Price Media Law Moot Court Competition team. Stefan was member of the Bench at the Moot Court Europe editions in Campulung-Muscel several times. He was also involved in creating simulated trial scenarios and has been advising the Foundation on non-formal law education issues, actively cooperating in the realization of the project.

He is a former attorney-at-law, currently practicing as a legal counsel in the field of privacy and data protection. He holds Master of Laws degrees in Laws (Sofia University, Bulgaria) and Law and Technology (Tilburg University, the Netherlands). Kiril coached the group of high school students who represented Bulgaria in the simulated court proceedings Moot Court Europe 2017, and acted as a co-team leader, as well as a Judge during 2021 and 2022 editions.

Jaap de Zwaan is an emeritus professor of the Law of the European Union at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, former Dean of the Law School and former Director of Clingendael Institute in The Hague. He worked as a diplomat for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was Legal Advisor of the Dutch Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels and was involved as Legal Adviser in the negotiations and the drafting of the Treaty of Amsterdam. As Head of Division Justice and Home Affairs at the Dutch Representation to the EU, he was involved in the development of the Third Pillar cooperation. He was President of the Scientific Council of the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague. Mr. De Zwaan is also board member of Foundation Netherlands-Romania. He acted as President of the Tribunal during several simulated trial hearings of Moot Court Europe, both online and at the Pedagogical College CAROL I in Campulung-Muscel.

He is the General Director of the National Pedagogical College CAROL I in Campulung-Muscel, Romania. A historical monument and a valuable jewellery of the Romanian architecture, the school was founded in 1867, through the royal decree of King Carol I, functioning as a regional leading educational institution for over 155 years. Next to its formal educational curriculum, the school is involved in a wide range of non-formal learning activities. Through its outside-schoolprogrammes, the College supports values and principles of human rights, democracy, civic education, rule of law and intercultural learning. George Radu has been coordinating the international projects of the school since 2002. The Foundation and the College have been collaborating for more than 20 years, implementing various youth projects together, among them Moot Court Europe simulated trials and Play for Human Rights conference, where the project results and the Toolkit were introduced – thus continuing raisingawareness on the importance of civic and human rights education for young people.

Jaapjan is currently working as national liaison officer (NLO) of the Dutch Government to the European Labour Authority. He was deputy head Communication at Netherlands Labour Authority (Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs), head Corporate Communication at the Dutch Ministry of Transport and senior adviser Communications and New Media at the Dutch Government Information Service (RVD), Prime-Minister’s Office. Since 2001, Jaapjan is also involved with the activites of Foundation Netherlands-Romania, acting as Chairman. In this capacity, he has been involved in all youth projects of the Foundation, both in the Netherlands and abroad.

Lilia has diverse training in political science, social work, and graphic and web design. She has gained valuable experience working or volunteering in various non-governmental organizations and schools in the countries where she has lived including Bulgaria, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, North Macedonia and Switzerland. Since 2015, Lilia has been working with the Foundation Netherlands-Romania as webmaster and youth worker. She created the Play for Human Rights website with the online Toolkit.

Cristina has been managing the realisation of the project. She is coordinating the activities of Foundation Netherlands-Romania since 2001, developing various skills and expertise in international youth work while implementing over 70 youth projects. She has over 20 years of experience with European integration issues, organisation and co-ordination of numerous projects at local, European and international level, both for young people and other target groups, as well as conferences, trainings, workshops, surveys, international forums and other activities. She was press correspondent for BBC World Romania in The Hague (1997-2008) and course leader at the European Journalism Centre in Maastricht (1997-2007), organising seminars of introduction to EU institutions and policies.