What is the school known for:
Innovative school with extensive study of EFL; STEM School; Reference School (Google). Thomas Jefferson” Second English Language School is situated in Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria. Our school is among the top ten schools in terms of national end-of-course assessment tests. There are over 1200 students altogether, aged 14 and 18, who follow a five-year intensive course in English as a foreign language and a four-year intensive course in German, Spanish or Russian as a second foreign language. Besides that History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Philosophy are taught in English in 9th and 10th grades. Students are streamed according to their preferences into the following groups: History and Literature, Mathematics and Literature, Mathematics and Geography, Biology and Chemistry. We have also participated in three two-year Comenius projects with other European counties (France, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Slovenia, Romania) and a number of two-year Erasmus + project (Portugal, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, etc.) in the last ten years. Since our students have different interests, there are a number of extra-curricular activities they can choose from: maths clubs, web-design clubs, journalism, drama clubs, law-club, debate-club, folk-dances club, cheer-leader`s club and a variety of sports clubs. Creative, enthusiastic and knowledgeable, our students often show their skills and intelligence by joining in different campaigns and competitions on local, regional, national and international levels. We have participated in a number of Moot Courts since January 2018, both the World and European formats.

What is the school known for:
The school is well knowned for its ambience and good results. The Altena College is situated in the north of Northern Brabant. It has a regional function to provide education on the level of mavo, havo and vwo.

What is the school known for:
Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet is a small, independant preparatory high school in the heart of the international zone of The Hague, The Netherlands. Openness, enthusiasm, getting students involved in different projects, international projects, getting students in touch with diversity, making students interested in the world and knowledge.

What is the school known for:
Adam Mickiewicz 2nd High School in Gdynia was established in 1931 and is one of the oldest schools in a young city of Gdynia. The school may be proud of many excellent graduates, among which are: our present Mayor - Mr Wojciech Szczurek (who has been a mayor of the city for over 18 years now) and many famous actors, poets, directors, politicians, businessmen etc… The school has got very good reputation in the region, with about 850 students and 80 teachers. The results of external examinations place us on very good positions in Polish all-country rankings. The school is known for bilingual classes with French, which results in possibility of taking international examinations in French, exchanges and being taught by native teachers of French. We also put much attention to humanistic subjects – the school organizes and takes part in many competitions concerning art, history and social science. We frequently take part in debates organized by universities and NGOs. Our students have possibility to learn in “legal classes” (which includes legal English, lectures by Gdansk University Law Department lecturers on rudiments of law human rights, social science and history).

What is the school known for:
Our school is pedagogical and prepares students to become teachers for the preschool level but also for young school children. The National Pedagogical College CAROL I celebrates 155 years of uninterrupted school activity in 2022. The history of our school is directly related to the reign of His Majesty King “Carol I”. Our team represents Romania, a country in Eastern Europe. Together with the Netherlands-Romania Foundation we participated in many Moot Court competitions, we were organizers three times at our school.

What is the school known for:
Mock court, debating and world education programmes encompassing the Curriculum for Excellence.

What is the school known for:
Offering International Baccalaureate (IBDP) at diploma level, allowing students of the age 16-18 to graduate with one of the top diplomas offered by education systems worldwide. And world renowned IGCSE qualifications for students aged 14-16. We encourage our students to excel in their chosen subjects and experience success by aligning our education system with our students’ interests, providing unique opportunities like STEM (MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology collaboration), Performing Arts with Julliard, international expeditions and MUN (Model United Nations), and providing an education program with a strong focus on science, languages and arts. We cultivate ambitious and open-minded adults who strive for fulfillment and success in their lives and have an awareness of global issues and are equipped with the means to make a meaningful difference.

What is the school known for:
Our school is the first institution of its kind in Slovakia that focuses on the education of gifted children with a more specially tailored program. The school was founded in 1993 and now serves both elementary and high school level education for its over 500 students. Our school is also known for its high quality of students, which often compete and win in various competitions on the national and international level. This in turn consistently secures it a spot within our country's top 3 high schools.

What is the school known for:
Collège Champittet is a multicultural experience, with many opportunities available. The school’s student diversity allows for many cultural links and the creation of a more open-minded space, working from preschool to high school.